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KhakGallery @ 2020

Underlandet ( فارسی )


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It is my assumption that these works of Mandana Moghaddam do not cave into stereotypical conceptions of mirror and mirror-work and their virtue and holiness. Initially, it is the title of the series that is deeply unfamiliar to us and does not resemble any properties of mirrors that have been imprinted in our minds. Let us not forget that the title of the series is not in Swedish for no reason, and it is indeed odd to give a Swedish name to works that have been borrowed from Iranian knot-works and mirror-works. The series is titled as “Underlandet”. For those who are familiar with the Swedish language, the title should primarily be reminiscent of “Alice i Underlandet”; i.e. Alice in Wonderland, the literary work of Lewis Carroll. Nordic landet is a country and a nation as well as soil and earth. In the Swedish language, the terms ‘beneath’ and ‘wonderment’ are both referred to as ‘under’; consequently, one who is unfamiliar with the language could come to interpret “Alice i Underlandet” as either ‘Alice in the underworld’ or ‘Alice in wonderland.’ Lets not forget that Alice indeed crawled her way through the rabbit hole into wonderland, which in fact is the underworld. Yet, one should not rush to conclude that Alice has gone to the underworld, meaning the land of the dead or Hades of ancient Greek. This world is merely an alternative realm that’s located beneath and behind. The relation between these titles and the title of Alice’s story is not for no reason.